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Fundacja Kawałek Nieba Fundacja Kawałek Nieba
KRS 0000382243





Zofia Sarnecka – Błaszczak
Condition: recovering after hemorrhagic stroke, cerebellar hemangioblastoma – brain surgery
Goal: 6 months of physiotherapy and functional motor recovery after brain surgery
Funds required: 35.000 €
Time frames to raise the funds: from 11th of September 2018 to 31st of December 2018

Friends nad family members call her Zosieńka, which us an affectionate polish nickname from Zofia (Sophia). Fellow patients used to address her as affectionately an Angel. We call her Bunia or Sunshine. We all love her for her positive energy and commitment to others, inspiring and supportive, always with a wonderful sunny smile, coupled with warmth and devotion to those in need.

Zofia wad diagnosed with a femoral neck fracture in September 2017; further diagnosis – a CT brain scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging revealed evidence of Cerebellar Haemangioblastoma – tumor located near the brain stem, surrounded by 40 mm cyst wall. Immediate surgical excision of the tumor was undertaken early in the morning of 6th March 2018.

The diagnosis was life changing!

“I love you so much” Zofia had replied to our “Good night” wishes in the wintry Monday evening – on that Monday the 5th of March 2018 – the night before our word was torn apart and time has stopped ticking away. We have treasured this memory in our hearts since tolight our path and still remember it as if it was yesterday. Since then, time has stood still…

The first 24 hours after surgery were stable with no side effects from the anesthesia. The very next day however, insufficient blood circulation plus respiratory problems necessitated catecholamines Norepinephrine injections to maintain cerebral artery blood perfusion. A mechanical ventilator has been utilised to assist Zofia with her breathing. After three weeks the decision has been taken by her physicians and to perform a tracheotomy on the 30th of March which was Good Friday.

Two months have passed since Zofia came back home after being released from hospital. Healing and recovery are progressing day by day. However, the right eye has still a corneal abrasion and there are severe inflammatory symptoms – after surgery complications, pressure injuries and bedsores, inflamed respiratory tract after pneumonia contracted in a contagious hospital environment.

At the moment physical therapy is performed only twice a week (two hours per week) resulting in improved flexibility and responsiveness. Zofia’ s condition requires a comprehensive care and constant 24h monitoring. The attending physicians pulmonologists and GP doctors now agree that only multispeciality and regular therapy involving a combination of physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists and neuropsychologists can improve Zofia’s life quality and offer a chance of weaning her off mechanical ventilation.

The optimal solution would be a neurological physiotherapy at the specialist Neurorehabilitation centre for a minimum period of 6 mohths.

We, her family, had no choice but to leave our jobs and University studies to immerse ourselves in her care. Zofia with her strong family values would have done the same without hesitation.

We believe, with a little help from our relatives, friends and compassionate supporters as we pray you are, we can raise enough money to help Zofia. She won’t give up the fight and will come back from this painful experience with the class, style and brilliant sense of humour that inspires others, as she has always done


You can help Zofia by making payments on the account:

Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Chorym “Kawałek Nieba”


swift code: WBKPPLPP

Bank Zachodni WBK

Title: “1715 Help for Zofia Sarnecka-Blaszczak”






Kawałek nieba jest w każdym uśmiechu,
W każdym życzliwym słowie,
I przyjaznym geście,
W każdym pomocnym czynie.
Kawałek raju jest w każdym sercu,
Które stanowi zbawienny port dla nieszczęśliwego.
W każdym domu z chlebem, winem i serdecznym ciepłem.
Bóg włożył swoją miłość w twoje ręce,
Jak klucz do raju.

Phil Bosmans

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