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Fundacja Kawałek Nieba Fundacja Kawałek Nieba
KRS 0000382243

Child treatment part 1

Our help in treatment:

We help ill and disabled children – we buy medicaments, help in treatment, rehabilitation and buy medical equipment for children growing up in very poor families.

We heve helped more than 340.000 ill and poor children and families.

Examples of our aid in treatment of children from poor families :

– We help a little girl – Zosia, who was born with a heart defect. She has tMarcelinka0oo little weight and height and suffers from delayed psychomotor development. The little girl has two sisters, one of them is deaf, the other has a disease associated with ocular muscle weakness. Their mother is struggling with many illnesses and very often has to be
away from home – in hospital;

– We finance a rehabilitation of 9-month-old girl who suffers from Pompe disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Without treatment and rehabilitation the disease is fatal for infants and young children. The rehabilitation is a chance for her to live, so we have to help her. Her parents can not afford to provide her with the treatment. The girl was hospitalized many times, we need to save the little girl!

– We help in rehabilitation of seven-year-old boy who was born with congenital heart disease-HLHS – hypoplastic left ventricle. As an infant the boy underwent two operations. Unfortunately, after the second surgery, there was a cardiac arrest and hypoxic brain, therefore the boy suffers from quadriplegia and epilepsy. He had also a tracheotomy surgery. With the rehabilitation there can be seen a great progress in Peters development, therefore his mother really depends on continuing it, but she has not enough money…;

– We help in the treatment of a little boy suffering from cerebral palsy. He is blind, cannot speak or walk himself, suffers from stomach reflux and must be properly fed. His mother doesn’t have enough money to pay for rent, medication or adequate food … She loves her children very much and would like to provide them with a better life, because she remembers her childhood only from an orphanage …

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– We help in treatment of 2-year-old girl. Her name is Ola. She was born with genetic defect of heart, underwent surgery, but will have to have subsequent surgeries. The little baby with her siblings and parents have severe financial situation and live in very difficult conditions;

We help 5-year-old Kajtek suffering from neurofibromatosis. The boy has cancer of the eye and optic nerve. He had chemotherapy for 13 months. A chance to save Kajek is the treatment at NF Clinic in Hamburg, where are the doctors specializing in curing the rare disease . Kajtek’s picture

– We help in the treatment of 8-year-old Victoria, who suffers from dysplasia and other autoimmune diseases. The girl cannot walk, and for her mother it is very difficult to carry her. Recently we bought for Victoria a standing frame and thanks to it the girl began to walk herself. Her mother had tears in her eyes, she couldn`t believe that it is possible for Victoria to walk. She wouldn’t be able to afford buying such a rehabilitation unit. The fact that Victoria started to walk is a joy, which even better confirms our belief that it is worth helping. This is the greatest happiness.

– We helped in financing the eye surgery of little Victoria. The girl grew up in her mother’s belly as a twin with her sister, who later died at birth… Victoria was born prematurely with respiratory distress syndrome, renal dysplasia and heart rate disorder. The worst disease is retinopathy. After two series of laser therapy and special treatment it turned out that the disease is still progressing and there was a retinal detachment. Doctors said that Victoria probably will be blined. Her parents could not accept that and found the only doctor in Poland, which gave them hope… Victoria had two vitrectomy surgeries – strengthening of the retina with attaching a silicone band on it. Now the wounds in Victoria ‘s eyes are healing and we hope that everything will be fine and the girl will have a good eyesight.

– Foundation also help a girl, who is old enough that she tries to write letters for suppor8900386_st for her rehabilitation against the progressive disease. The girl suffers from cerebral palsy, spastic paralysis which resulted in paresis of her legs and hands. She can not walk alone. Because of rehabilitation she moves with a walker. She is afraid that the current lack of funds for rehabilitation in a few years will result in that she will be confined to a wheelchair …. Her letter is printed, but the envelope is signed with the childish handwriting…

– We help in treatment of 2-year-old girl who was born prematurely, as she was threatened with asphyxia. She was born with necrosis of her right hand and passed a very strong stroke. The little girl was diagnosed with hemiparesis of her left hand, middle cerebral artery syndrome and other serious disorders. Doctors did not give her chance of survival. However, she had a surgery and the doctors managed to save her hand, but the only way to improve the efficiency of the child is an intensive rehabilitation. The biggest dream of her parents is that the girl will be an able-bodied child in the future…;

– We will help in the rehabilitation and treatment of 24 disabled children from all over the Bieszczady area. The youngest have only 2 years old and several children are in wheelchairs. Children must be supported in order to make progress in the development, become independent and to feel needed. The children will be rehabilitated in the Bieszczady Association “Ray of Hope” that we are trying to save, because due to lack of funds there is a threat of liquidation. Without help 24 children with disabilities will remain locked up in the “four walls” of their own home. They will be deprived of a great joy, which is to meeting with their peers at therapy, rehabilitation, classes and activities at the resort which became their second home… The Centre for rehabilitation allowed children to achieve self-reliance and enjoy the moments spent with other children. We can not let the joy and the opportunity to independent lives to be taken away from them!

19386282_s– We help a mother of two children, who is after a trauma of harassment. “…My childhood is overwhelming, constant anxiety of every day, no help … My father is in prison due to the harassment, but it has not erased the wound in my heart and soul… It has been many years, I would like my children to have a beautiful childhood, which I didn’t have, but still it is not easy … My daughter is ill. When I go shopping, my hands are trembling , again I do not know what to do, if I buy medication I won’t have enough money to buy food…”. We help in the treatment of children and their mother. They suffer from diseases of the blood and respiratory system.

– We helped 7-year-old boy – John suffering from hydronephrosis. His mother admitted that she has to give up the analysis and treatment ot the child in Warsaw, because she has no money even for food, let alone for the transport to the clinic and treatment. We ogranised the transport and medication. With this good diagnosis and treatent his kidneys will be saved;

– We aid 3-year-old boy. His father is after 3 surgeries for cancer of the bowel. Court took mother’s parental rights and gave custody to this ill father, who has 572 zlote per month, of which medicaments cost 300 zlote, so he is not buying it to spare money for food for his son. We help to give meals for the child so that the father can buy medicines and the child wouldn`t lose his father because of tumor recurrence;

– We help Wiktor who at birth was given only 2 points in the Apgar score. By 30 days was breathing through a respirator. As a result of perinatal damage he had a stroke in the central nervous system. The boy had three heart operations (closure of the ductus arteriosus Botalla , correction of congenital defects in the form of a double aortic arch , the removal of a foreign body from the heart – central venous catheter), four eye operations (3 laser therapy, cryotherapy, vitrectomy and lentektomia), bone marrow bone due to congenital aplasia and fibrotomia of upper and lower limbs. The Wictor’s treatment required more than 100 red blood cell transfusions and platelets. The boy also went through the chemotherapy. Wiktor spent at hospital more than a year. Currently, the boy’s diagnosis is cerebral palsy – spastic four-acral, eye disfunction, hypothyroidism and epilepsy. Thanks to intensive rehabilitation Wiktorek sits by himself and put steps when someone helps him. This is a huge success, especially since the doctors assured that it will be only a lying child. Therefore, it is important to continue rehabilitation so that the boy began to walk independently . Wictor’s picture

– We help in funding heart surgery for 6-year-old girl who was born with a complex congenital heart defect HLHS, which means that she has only a part of heart. She has undergone surgeries already, but now is the most important operation, because the defect threatens her life. The surgeon said that they cannot wait for the operation any longer. The girl’s aunt wrote to us as she is seeking support wherever possible….

– We assist in the rehabilitation of Kacper who is 6 years old and is struggling with spina bifida and congenital hydrocephalus. He is paralyzed from the waist down. In the first days of life he had a difficult operation on the spine. The boy is suffering from a serious illness which is cerebrospinal hernia. With the rehabilitation Kacper learns how to walking himself. He has a very good chance for if, nevertheless it seemed impossible for a child with such diseases. Kacper’s picture

– Little Jacob was born with cardio-respiratory failure and suspected brain damage (MBD). He must be rehabilitated due to the developmental sensorimotor disorders and increased muscle tone. In addition, the boy was diagnosed with epilepsy and medicines for it are very expensive. Jacob is being raised by a single mother who can not afford to provide the child with adequate treatment4903851_s. We assist in the rehabilitation and treatment of the boy.

– 8-year-old Peter miraculously survived during childbirth, but he suffers from cerebral palsy and a number of comorbidities. The boy was also diagnosed with epilepsy. His mother raises Peter by herself and also takes care of disabled grandmother of Peter. She has not got enough resources for the expensive treatment. We continue to support the boy.

– We help Kamila, who is suffering from refractory myasthenia gravis. This disease means that the body produces antibodies to the muscle’s receptors and this does not only concern hands and feet, but also facial muscles, esophagus, eye muscle … Getting out of bed, getting dressed, eating, seeing are actions we don’t think of – this is our everyday life, but these activities have become too difficult for her to overcome since the disease took her everything… “the disease causes that I am not able to stand up, to swallow food, talk, see, and what is the saddest thing is that I can not hug my daughters, because the muscles refuse to obey me … younger daughter at the beginning asked , “Mom when you will play with me? ” and after some time she stopped asking, she knew that I couldn’t…”. After trying all available treatment the only rescue gave a medication from Germany – Mestinon Retard, which actually brought her back to life. Unfortunately the reimbursement of the drug is currently refused, and neither her nor family can not afford the purchase of the medication and she is facing another tragedy of relapse. Kamila’s picture –>

– We also help Kate, who since birth is suffering from cerebral palsy and fetal alcohol syndrome FAS. In May 2011 she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes due to the origin in the brain disease. The only hope for her was a special measuring apparatus Guardian – Real – Time. However, the high price of enzyme electrodes does not allow her to operate the equipment constantly. The cost of the electrodes is 858 zlotys per month plus the cost of batteries and rehabilitation which is 480 zlotys per month. Furthermore there is a cost of a specialized diet that she must follow. Kate gets a pension of only 611 zlotys per month and therefore is not able to purchase the electrodes, pay for home rehabilitation and medications. She seeks help. Otherwise she will have to disconnect herself from the Guardian apparatus, which involves a direct threat to her life. Indications of doctors for further treatment are clear: type 1 diabetes requires monitoring of blood glucose continuously, insulin administration, compliance with a gluten free diet and conducting home rehabilitation. Without this device she can have serious hypoglycemia which is a very serious threat to her life.

– We help mother and her two children, whose father abused alcohol and used21143713_s violence against them. After many years they moved away from the father. Now they live in very difficult conditions. There is lack of everything. They do not even have a bathroom. We purchased the fuel for winter, because they would not have anything to get the room warm. We help in the treatment of the girl. It was necessary to visit a specialist and purchase medications, because she has an untreated thyroid disease. We also donate food parcels and clothes.

– We also help a little boy who was born prematurely and struggled for life during the first month. The boy suffers from spastic cerebral palsy. Requires constant care and rehabilitation therapies, which however, may not be effective in deep hearing loss, which affects the child. After serious illness the boy’s hearing deteriorated and his parents need to purchase a special hearing aid that will give the boy the opportunity to develop and for effective rehabilitation. His parents cannot aford to buy it themselves. We will help to finance the purchase of a hearing aid.

– We aid a little girl who was born with a hernia cerebro-spinal and hydrocephalus. She has a valve implanted to drain the excess of cerebrospinal fluid. Weronika is 7-year-old girl and the disease is significantly damaging her eyesight. Pleoptic and orthoplastic exercises are able to stop the damage of her eyes, give the opportunity to improve her vision and actually give good results;

– We help in the treatment of a little boy – Johnny – suffering from cerebral palsy. He doesn’t walk by himself, has an optic atrophy in both eyes and atopic dermatitis. He utters a few single words intelligible only to his mother. The boy, his sister and brother are raised only by their mother, who has not enough money to buy medications…

– We help a boy who has cancer of lumbar spine and thoracic, his parents are dead, he is very poor. He lives with his brother. We bought him a sofa bed so that he does not have to sleep on the floor, which threatened a fracture of his spine. He is suffering great pain. We help him in treatment, we give him food parcels and medicines;

– We help in the rehabilitation of 2.5-year-old boy – Simon – who suffers from multiple CUN malformations and microcephaly. He had a number of operations. He must have intensive rehabilitation with Non-Bobath method. His mother seeks help with all her might to improve the health of her child. It is very difficult, but the boy achieves good progress.

– We helped a mother and two young children, who started independent life moving out from father who abused alcohol and used violence against them. They dzidziushad to leave the house without anything, rent an apartment and take the treatment after the trauma of violence.

– We co-financed the rehabilitation of a boy suffering from cerebral palsy. Thanks to the therapy Patrick has made a great progress, he stands himself, walks with a walker and now is learning to walk independently. We will continue to help so that Patrick would have an independent life in future.

– We help in threatment of a boy suffering from muscular dystrophy, viral hepatitis and cardiomyopathy. Together with his sibling they are brought up by a single mother who, in spite of her illness, works very hard and tries to give children everything she can. Deformation of the boy`s spine, arms and legs is progressing. Medical rehabilitation and equipment give relief to his suffering;

-We help in rehabilitation of five-year-old Ola, who was born with heart defect, respiratory failure, stroke intracranial, muscle tension and is visually impaired. She requires assistance in all activities. Her father works hard, however, he is not able to earn a reasonable amount of money to ensure the rehabilitation of the child;

– We helped in the treatment of autistic boy – Philip. The boy has a disease involving the accumulation of metals in the body. We financed specialized microbiological testing and treatment to save the boy’s health . Philip’s picture–>

– We also help a family with 10-year-old boy suffering from muscular dystrophy. His sister is after oncological surgery. They live away from a city and in difficult conditions. Their mother also suffers due to a number of diseases, she is after surgery, but because of complications, sepsis and lack of disease resistance the health problems come back and very often she must stay in hospital …

– We also helped a girl who had in her life very much suffering. Death of her father, mother’s alcoholism, staying in foster family…

– We help disabled boy who suffers from cerebral palsy. His mother is barely able to take care of him, because of violence of father and the disease of her spine. Every day the mother carries her son on her back to wash, sit or lay him to bed. She is already very weak..;

– We help in funding rehabilitation for nine-year-old girl who suffers from cerebral palsy. She is nearly blind. The girl had serious operations due to neurogenic dislocation of her hip. Rehabilitation gives very good results, but her parents can not afford to continue it and desperately seek help to save the child;

– We help a little boy – Peter – who suffers from a genetic disease. He very quickly began to crawl and get up, but there is a problem with his nervous system and he can not put steps yourself. Peter is nearly 3 years old and should walk independently. He urgently needs help – rehabilitation – to unlock the nervous system while he is so young. According to doctors through rehabilitation the boy will be able to walk. Parents cannot collect the full amount of money needed for rehabilitation. All this is also complicated by the fact that the boy’s father is seriously ill. Peter’s picture

– Christopher and David (12 and 10 years old) are struggling with a severe genetic disease – chromosomopathią and recurrent multifocal pneumonia, shortness of breath and bronchitis. They have often spent a long time in hospital in very serious state. We help in the treatment of children. Cris’s and David’s picture

– Casper was born with congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Already in the firimagesCAEOIDJOst moments after birth had a set of symptoms indicative of severe viral infection. He had thrombocytopenia, ecchymosis over the body, microcephaly, prolonged jaundice, enlarged liver, spleen and hearing loss. Parents have struggled with the severe congenital infection for a long time – three times the boy has been given cures very dangerous medication – ganciclovir . Casper has a significant degree of deafness and cerebral palsy. Rehabilitation is only effective when Casper hears, so it is very important to purchase a special hearing aids, thanks to which the boy will be able to develop and be independent. We are trying to collect funds for hearing aids . Kacper’s picture

– We help Tom, who in 2008 had a giant arterio- venous angioma located in the occipital lobe . The consequence of this was a two- stroke cerebral hemorrhage, which resulted that Tom fell into a coma. Fighting for his life spanned more than half a year and there are many complications. One of them was punctured pleura, resulting in pulmonary edema and abscess. At the same time Tom for nearly five months did not breathe yourself and had to have respiratotherapy. Tom after a long and painful rehabilitation has made definite progress, but still can not walk independently. The left side of his body is still numb, which combined with hand contractures and spasticity quadriplegic makes it very difficult to function normally. Long-term hospitalization and treatment have led to chronic liver damage. Tom still requires a very expensive physiotherapy. Tom’s picture

– We aid in treatment of a little girl suffering from broncho-pulmonary dysplasia, musculoskeletal deformity, ischemic encephalopathy. She does not walk by herself and does not speak. The most difficult and sad are self-injurious behaviors of the little girl, because of which she neads medical treatent and requires full time care so that she would not hurt herself. Her mother lacks funds for medicines, diapers, medical equipment…;

– We aid in treatment and nutrition of a disabled boy who is also suffering from autism. His father has cancer, awaits operation and can not provide the child with adequate medications and food…

11478202_sWe also help Anna, who is suffering from a very serious illness – multiple sclerosis. It is a disease in which cells of the immune system fights the body’s own nerve tissue. This causes numbness in the limbs, very large problems with vision and movement. A few steps is an effort extremely difficult to overcome. Anna is often in a hospital for a long time. She needs rehabilitation and expensive medications that help her, but she cannot afford it. It is very hard for her… Anna’s picture

– We also help Gabriel who is a twin that survived at birth. His brother could not be saved. Between the boys appeared transfusion syndrome. The uneven blood flow between babies had resulted in an uneven flow of oxygen and lead to severe complications. To be able to survive Gabriel’s heart had to work at increased speed. Gabriel was born at 27 weeks gestation. Deep prematurity and transfusion syndrome between twins resulted in Gabriel’s cerebral palsy – spastic quadriparesis and drug-resistant epilepsy. Rehabilitation, which allows making good progress, is very expensive and parents can not afford to buy specialist equipment… Gabriel’s picture

– We also help in the rehabilitation of a little boy – Stas. If the left half of the brain communicated well with the right half the boy would walk, run and play just like his peers, but Stas was born with hypoplasia of the corpus callosum and hypothyroidism. Children with hypoplasia have difficulty walking, executing some movements, distinguish right and left side. Stas through rehabilitation makes great strides in development, but require further intensive rehabilitation . Parents with all their strength try to raise funds to help Stas. The boy’s picture

– We help in the treatment of a girl suffering from multiple sclerosis. Her family have a difficult financial situation, parents can not afford to purchase medications for Kasia. They seek help, and with all their strength try to inhibit the development of the illness.

– We helped in funding rehabilitation for a little boy. His name is Martin. He is 7. He suffers from cerebral palsy, epilepsy, microcephaly, is visually impaired and has delayed psychomotor development. He does not walk by himself, does not speak. He needs help in all activities;

– We also assist in the rehabilitation of 6-year-old girl who was born inefficient breathing and with intracranial haemorrhage, heart and vision disease. It is very delayed psychomotorically, and therefore requires constant rehabilitation;

– We helped in funding a Baffin verticalizer for 2-year-old disabled boy – Michael, who was born with multiple malformations syndrome CNS, a psycho-motor delay, an abnormal limb development. He has undergone many operations;

chmura_serce– We helped to purchase a rehabilitation bicycle for 8-year-old boy who suffers from cerebral palsy, tetraparesis, underwent cardiac operation and is nearly blind. He requires constant rehabilitation and assistance. The boy is making good progress thanks to exercises. Doctors recommended the rehabilitation on a special bike as likely to give significant improvement in the efficiency of the boy;
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