Mary is an extremely preterm baby fighting cerebral palsy. When I was 9 weeks pregnant we got the diagnosis of partial molar pregnancy. We were offered a termination but we refused and we let her live.
When she was one week she suffered a massive hemorrhage that completely damaged her cerebellum and partly damaged her brain stem. We were told she would not survive, and even if she did, she wouldn’t hear nor see.
Now, she is two year old, she can see, she can hear, she speaks her first words. She loves music, she loves walking with her walker and playing with her brothers.
To be able to develop new skills she needs permanent and long-term rehabilitation. We also need to provide her with a wheelchair, a verticalizer, a walker, lower limb braces and an orthosis “TheraTogs”.
With your help, this little girl can be independent in the future. We are raising money for the therapy and rehabilitation equipment.
Fell free to follow our journey:
You can help Mary by making payment on the account:
Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Chorym Kawałek Nieba
swift code: WBKPPLPP
Santander Bank
Title: “1884 Help for Marysia Wywial”
or by DOTPAY: