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Fundacja Kawałek Nieba Fundacja Kawałek Nieba
KRS 0000382243






We would like to introduce our gorgeous little girl – Lenka. Only until a few weeks ago Lenka was a cheerful, smiling and normally developing child with whole life full of adventures ahead of her…

Unfortunately, this idyllic setting was shattered within minutes when on the 12th of July our gorgeous princess was diagnosed with a brain tumour…

The doctors rushed her for an emergency operation to save her life due to the enormous pressure on her brain from accumulated fluids that had nowhere to go and nearly suffocated her….

After another operation where they took a sample for the biopsy – the results came as a shock to all of us… anaplastic ependymoma – stage III… cancer… our baby girl, who’s not even 2 years old yet, has to fight the most horrible monster ever imagined… the shock didn’t last long as we all knew we have to stand to this uneven fight with our little girl and do whatever we can to help her!

Because of Lenka’s age doctors in Poland can only offer 3 cycles of a chemotherapy in the hope it will stop the tumour growing or best-case scenario it will make it smaller…

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to meet our Lenka.
She is a little fighter and we won’t let anything to take her away from us.
Please help if you can!

Lenka’s Parents and Family.


You can help Lenka by making payments on the account:

Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Chorym Kawałek Nieba


swift code: WBKPPLPP

Santander Bank

Title: “2349 Help for Lenka Kozuch”


or by DOTPAY:



Kawałek nieba jest w każdym uśmiechu,
W każdym życzliwym słowie,
I przyjaznym geście,
W każdym pomocnym czynie.
Kawałek raju jest w każdym sercu,
Które stanowi zbawienny port dla nieszczęśliwego.
W każdym domu z chlebem, winem i serdecznym ciepłem.
Bóg włożył swoją miłość w twoje ręce,
Jak klucz do raju.

Phil Bosmans

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