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Fundacja Kawałek Nieba Fundacja Kawałek Nieba
KRS 0000382243





Lenka had surgery. Thank you very much for help.

Her history:

Disease is a tragedy which you do not wish even for the worst enemy, especially when it comes to an oncological disease of your child. It destroys your biggest treasure, it slowly
devastates everything. Hours of crying and hiding your tears because you need to be strong for you child. You cannot let yourself be weak, as we are not the ones who are the most
important here, but the child. If you do not have to avoid your child’s eyesight in order not to fly apart in front of your child, you are the happiest person in the world!!! Respect it and celebrate every single moment.

The situation is extremely dramatic. The tumour in our 6-year-old daughter’s head is growing. What is more, steady growing cysts, which you cannot fight with them in any other way, but a surgery (a complete resection). Professor Martin Schuhmann from the Neurosurgery Clinic in Tubingen has agreed to attempt the resection of the cancer. It is the only chance for the treatment of our child.

Lenka is one of the two of our children – the meaning of our life. We have been fighting with the cancer for almost 2 years. Everything began in February 2018. The swollen eye, without any other symptoms, and an occasional headache made us worried. At that moment we started to go from one doctor to another one. The first consultation, the second, and any other one did not satisfy us as we still did not know the answer what was wrong. Firstly, endless visits at the family doctor, ophthalmologist, and neurologist. According to their opinions everything was fine. It did not calm me down. Being worried about my daughter, I was still searching for the answer and help, as I felt that there is something wrong with my daughter. Mother’s heart knows the best and feels better than any medical experts or technology. Then, being distraught, we have decided to do magnetic resonance of Lenka’s head on our own. We were supposing that it might be serious but we tried to avoid thoughts about it. Unfortunately, the results of MR were like a knife in the heart. Brain tumour – was the worst diagnosis which we could imagine. The problems that we have had so far seemed to be unimportant.

We went to Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka (Children’s Memorial Health Institute) – the neurosurgical ward. We met there wonderful doctors who explained everything to us. Unfortunately, we found out then that we would have to face very difficult opponent. The tumour is located very deeply, in the cerebral peduncle and the thalamus. During the operation including neuro-navigation, the doctors did everything they could. Unfortunately, much of the tumour has not been even touched, moreover, there appeared constantly growing cysts which are as dangerous for our daughter’s life as the tumour.

Our child’s condition after 8 hours operation was serious. Looking at your child being intubated with thousands of tubes and cables was truly heartbreaking. But the most important thing for us was the fact that Lenka was alive. The next days were difficult as we did not know what post-surgery complications we would have to fight with. Despite the hemiparesis, our daughter’s condition was getting better. We needed to start a long-lasting rehabilitation which is still our routine.

Cancer may destroy our daughter’s life, but the role of the parent is to do everything possible to save it. I do not want to think what may happen… I am focused on the only one thing, there is still hope that our daughter will be healthy. Lenka is qualified for the operation in Tubingen – the clinic where they save and treat children with the most serious
types of brain tumours. After the consultations with Professor Martin Shuhmann, he has agreed to attempt the complete tumour resection using an intraoperative resonance which allows checking the effects during the surgery.

A lot of children at this stage do not have any chance as the diagnosis is – an inoperable tumour. But we still have a chance! The only thing we have to do is to leave our child in the professor’s hands, who can save her. The cost of the operation is enormous and exceeds our financial capacities. Without your help and support, we will not be able to do it – but with you, my Dears, we can do it!

For the first time in our life, everything depends on money. That is why we want to ask you from the bottom of our hearts, help us. Let’s make the power of helping give Lenka the chance for life…


You can help Lenka by making payment on the account:

Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Chorym Kawalek Nieba


swift code: WBKPPLPP

Santander Bank

Title: “2580 Help for Lenka Chaberek”


or by DOTPAY:




Kawałek nieba jest w każdym uśmiechu,
W każdym życzliwym słowie,
I przyjaznym geście,
W każdym pomocnym czynie.
Kawałek raju jest w każdym sercu,
Które stanowi zbawienny port dla nieszczęśliwego.
W każdym domu z chlebem, winem i serdecznym ciepłem.
Bóg włożył swoją miłość w twoje ręce,
Jak klucz do raju.

Phil Bosmans

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