Kinga, an ordinary teenager with an unusual dream: she wants to walk! Kinga is our only, awaited and dreamed child. When she was born, we did not think that the next years of her life would be a fight for her life, her health, and her fitness. Kinga developed differently than her peers, which worried us greatly. She had problems with her arms and legs because of laxity and contracture; she could not turn or sit. She stood in the crib, but in a moment she would fall over. When she tried to walk, she only managed to for a brief moment, and only with our help.
We visited various specialists looking for answers about why our child was not developing properly. Numerous consultations and examinations began, then rehabilitation. When she was 18 months old, and after an epileptic attack, she lost consciousness, and the resulting tomography gave a diagnosis. It was SZOK: cerebral quadriplegic paralysis. Nobody expected it, and that’s when we realized that our daughter would probably never be independent.
Kinga was already rehabilitated due to psychomotor delay, but from then on, her rehabilitation became our everyday life. We also started to leave our small child for rehabilitation stays; we constantly visited various specialists looking for help, support and hints. In the meantime, very serious epileptic attacks began to repeat, each time ending up in the hospital and slowing down her development. In her short life, Kinga has undergone many different procedures, including casting, limb plastering, Botox treatment, and Bajker’s surgery.
Simultaneously, with treatment and rehabilitation, we started speech therapy, consultations, and classes due to difficulties with speech. Regular rehabilitation brought results, but Kinga still does not move alone and requires constant help in basic activities. We as parents are doing everything to facilitate her everyday functioning. Kinga moves around the house with our help, outside the house on a wheelchair. It requires us to help with dressing, combing, washing and other hygienic activities, but we will not live forever.
At the moment, Kinga is 15 years old, who is a smart, sensitive and cheerful teenager. She has many friends and good people around her who help her in everyday school life. Every year she brings a certificate with a red stripe, loves to read books, loves animals and nature. Like every teenager, she likes listening to music and laughing, and like every teenager has a dream. Kinga’s dream is unique: she just WANTS TO WALK. In Kinga’s and our life, a light has appeared that gives us hope for the fulfillment of her greatest dream – a stem cell transplant. This is a huge opportunity that we would not like, and cannot, lose. Until now, we have tried to meet the financial burden of Kinga’s disease. We paid for commuting to doctors, rehabilitation, trips to rehabilitation camps, visits to specialists, purchase of rehabilitation equipment, and from our own resources we adjusted the house to special needs of our daughter. The cost of stem cell treatment exceeds our financial capabilities, so please help our daughter make her dream come true and give her a chance to live her life.
You can help Kinga by making payments on the account:
Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Chorym “Kawałek Nieba”
swift code: WBKPPLPP
Bank Zachodni WBK
Title: “1260 Help for Kinga Bartoszcze”
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