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Fundacja Kawałek Nieba Fundacja Kawałek Nieba
KRS 0000382243





Our only son Dominik is 3 years old. He was an energetic, cheerful boy, who loved spending his time in the kindergarten and playing with friends. One day we noticed that our child is limping, has problems with walking up and down the stairs and is getting tired very fast. We thought that these were growing pains, but our child was getting angry very often and was sweating at nights what worried us as well. Those symptoms worried us so much that we decided to run some blood tests (morphology and manual blood smear) as our paediatrician advised. After a couple of hours we got a call from the laboratory. The lady on the phone told us to contact a haematologist or even go to a children’s hospital as soon as possible. Our hearts stopped. It was April the 21st 2018. We will never forget this date. We went immediately, just after the call, to the nearest haematological ward for children, Krakow Prokocim.

The tests were ran on the same day in the hospital again and acute lymphoblastic leukemia was diagnosed. The biopsy which was done several days later confirmed the diagnosis. It turned out that 95% of all the leucocytes in Dominik’s bone marrow were already cancer cells.

This information turned our world upside down. My husband quit his job in order to take care of our son in turns with me. After 15 days of treatment, Dominik was stratified to the High Risk group of cancer recurrence as he didn’t respond to the initial chemo treatment well enough.

For the last 9 months, we have been living in the hospital in the oncological ward, where our child is getting blood transfusions, steroid and chemo treatment. The last one has serious side effects as this chemotherapy is very aggressive. Dominik spends most of his time in the isolation room, fighting with pain and infections for his recovery.

Long months of treatment and rehabilitation are ahead of us. Therefore, we would like to kindly ask you for financial help for our son’s treatment. It may not be excluded that Dominik will have the bone marrow transplant which involves huge costs.

Please help our only son return to his happy and normal life which he led before the disease.


You can help Dominik by making payments on the account:

Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Chorym Kawałek Nieba


swift code: WBKPPLPP

Santander Bank

Title: “2032 Help for Dominik Reiss”


or by DOTPAY:



Kawałek nieba jest w każdym uśmiechu,
W każdym życzliwym słowie,
I przyjaznym geście,
W każdym pomocnym czynie.
Kawałek raju jest w każdym sercu,
Które stanowi zbawienny port dla nieszczęśliwego.
W każdym domu z chlebem, winem i serdecznym ciepłem.
Bóg włożył swoją miłość w twoje ręce,
Jak klucz do raju.

Phil Bosmans

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