I have never been well and I know that I’ll never be but I need to fight not to lose what I’ve got…. What I’ve managed to get thanks to my parents because they were the ones who once fought for my ability. I can’t let all the operations that I had in my life go to waste, my pain and tears, years spent in hospitals, sanatoriums, rehabilitation. Once again in my lifetime I need to fight for my ability, perhaps it won’t be perfect but it will be mine…
I don’t have to jump, run, ski etc. It will be enough for me to go for a walk with my family and to be independent… I don’t want to be a burden….
Unfortunately today, as never before I am close to what I fear most. If I don’t find help soon, I will have to sit in a wheelchair and then it will be too late to do anything… Despite several serious operations of the spine which I underwent many years ago and two operations aimed at stiffening joins in my foot (to improve walking), my condition is deteriorating very fast…
My spine has been in a terrible state for many years (severe scoliosis and spondylolisthesis at its most advanced stage). There is a compression on nerve roots. Currently my nerves are very weak and the muscles start to undergo atrophy. Moving is more and more difficult. I have no sensibility in my foot. Doctors in Poland told me a long time ago that they would not ‘tamper with such a butchered spine’. They sentenced me to a wheelchair.
Almost a year ago I managed to consult doctor Feldman from the USA at the Paley Institute… and a ray of hope appeared. The doctor offered me help. Unfortunately the cost of treatment has almost stifled my hope. There are additional costs of rehabilitation and accommodation in the USA and I cannot afford it. That’s why I have to ask for help for the first time in my life. I need to ask for money (which is terribly hard but there’s no other way).
I’m pressed for time. There are a lot of things that can’t be reversed. Sensation is lost. I won’t feel the sand under my feet anymore but I might be able to walk on my own… I have no deep sensibility, which means I don’t even know in what position my foot is, I stumble over my own feet, I’m losing strength and additionally there’s this pain that no painkillers can relieve. I don’t remember any day without pain or a full night’s sleep….
I’ve learned to live with my illness, with my disability. I can enjoy small things which might be obvious for someone else. I had to stop dreaming of being healthy because at one point I realised that I will never be. I try to live normal life and I do not say or think about bad or sad things, which I’ve encountered due to me illness. I strive to smile against all odds.
I’ve always dreamt about my own family and a child. It was not easy in my condition. My pregnancy carried huge risk but it was successful… and today in spite of my health problems, pain, fear, anxiety I am happy. I’ve got a wonderful husband and the most gorgeous daughter in the whole world. I want to live and I want to walk just for her. I don’t want her to watch me suffer, lose my strength, see my legs fail me, watch me fall, or… I even dread to think this. I have to fight for her. I can’t give up. I need to use every opportunity and there are two ways: either to surrender or to fight and decide to undergo a complicated and risky operation. Nobody can fix my spine but there’s a chance to release nerve roots and a spinal cord from compression. I have to take this risk and face enormous stress and pain. Nobody can help me with this. I will struggle on my own. But I won’t have this chance unless I manage to raise the necessary amount of money.
The amount I need is huge and the time is scarce but I do have faith, faith in good people and hope that I will make it in time. That’s why I am asking you for help.
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Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom i Osobom Chorym “Kawałek Nieba”
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Title: “1440 Help for Daria Bilik-Spaleniak”
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